This March, our topic is “The Content Effect: Strategy, Purpose and Effectiveness “. In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One of the most effective ways to establish and grow your brand online is through content creation.
In this GMM let’s revisit the complex world of content creation and its profound impact on brand building.
• How has content creation and execution morphed in this digital age using latest technologies.
• What creative arsenal resonates with the changing audience preferences and behavior?
• What about the holy grail of creating a multi-channel content strategy?
• What are the priority channels nowadays and how to really prepare a content pipeline for all of those screens and even in-store?
Our GMM panelists will also share the learnings, the do’s and don’ts of effective content creation, highlighting exemplary practices while understanding what makes people flinch these days. Please join us as we navigate the ever-evolving realm of content creation, strategy, and its pivotal role in brand success.
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