
October 5, 2021

Panasonic, as part of its global campaign to spread advocacy for cleaner and fresher air for life, recently donated to the Philippine General Hospital nanoeTM air purifiers, nanoeTM X generators, and air conditioners equipped with nanoeTM X that have been verified to have inhibitory effects on the novel coronavirus*0.

The turnover was attended by Panasonic Air-Conditioning Philippines CEO Masaru Toyota; Life Solutions Group Country Head Yosuke Tanaka; PGH Director Dr. Gerardo Legaspi; PGH Spokesperson Dr. Jonas del Rosario; Deputy Director for Hospital Operations Dr. Stella Manalo; and Hospital Infection Control Unit Head Dr. Regina Berba.

In his statement, Mr. Toyota explained that it has always been the intention of Panasonic, with the introduction of the nanoeTM in 1997 and nanoeTM X in 2016, to provide cleaner and fresher air to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Mr. Toyota further explained, “In 2009, with the help of an independent testing organization, Panasonic verified the effect of hydroxyl radicals contained in water against bird flu and new strains of influenza, and in 2012, in collaboration with an independent testing organization in Germany, we conducted virus clearance testing that showed effectiveness of the technology against highly-resistant viruses and unknown viruses.” *1

Source: https://bit.ly/3ixl9AM