
June 17, 2021

The only way to stay ahead of the brand building game is to adopt a long-term view of learning and reskilling, to be in step with the dynamic marketing environment.

The PANA Brand Academy is an annual project of PANA which offers training programs/ workshops designed for newly hired and junior brand builders(1-3 years on the job) who desire to up their game through insights of seasoned and experienced practitioners.

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technology resulting to new consumer behaviors. With this as a major consideration, this year’s Brand Academy will focus on brand resiliency and recovery. Overall, it aims to engage participants in the creation, development and critical thinking with the varied disciplines of the resource persons. With topics like omnichannel context, shopper marketing, marketing pivot techniques and reputation management, the participants can surely hasten the learning curve to better equip themselves to handle crisis upon crisis. Discussions on the visual execution and innovative approaches, new production protocol and social media building adapted by the brand and advertising people are also interesting highlights. Not to be undermined of course are those conversations that involve some rigor like ASC code of ethics, market research and data analytics and marketing technology.  The Brand Academy is a 360 degree approach to effective brand building.

The sessions will be held virtually, and a learning playlist will be made available to the enrollees so they can access the materials at their most convenient time and place, savor the learnings, relate them to their reality and prepare their questions for the actual interface time which is scheduled from 1-2pm on July, 2,9,16 and 23.  

After the sessions, a brand case competition among the enrollees will be conducted to put the learned concepts to a test. Since the event is sponsored by P&G, most likely the brand plan is one of theirs.  As marketing guru Seth Godin puts it “That’s why tests aren’t nearly as useful as projects. Just about anything worth learning is worth learning the hard way.” With the competition, the Brand Academy organizers make sure that the take away is solid and practical.


To register go to http://bit.ly/BrandAcademyReg or get in touch with Anadell Asiado thru aasiado@pana.com.ph or +639279596694 (Viber/WhatsApp)



Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive treats are up for grabs for employees of PANA-member companies! To claim  the rewards, simply present your PANA certificate, SM digital voucher, and company ID. For full details, visit: https://pana.com.ph/pana-rewards-1/. And don't forget to download the SM...