
July 3, 2017

From a block of carved wood, to crystal clear fiberglass, the PANAta trophy has undergone changes.  However, the PANAta is more than the trophy.  It is more than the design.   As the Philippine Association of National Advertisers’ (PANA) flagship awards body, the PANAta is (almost) a decade.

Steering the sometimes stormy seas of marketing communications, PANA itself is fast approaching its senior years.  But, that’s all it is:  Seniority, packed full with six decades’ worth of wisdom.

Also approaching its landmark decade, the PANAta is set to unfurl to new sights, and with new traveling partners, so to speak.   Come 2018, the PANAta is on course to partner with the consumers.  By no means mere partners, this is a partnership for change.

“PANATA aims to reposition itself as a vital award giving body that recognizes excellence in ad campaigns determined by the relevance and value they provide to consumers.  We are looking into campaigns that can enable our consumers to think beyond the box, make better-informed decisions and be more assertive of choices as individuals.  We at PANA enjoin each and every one of you here tonight to take on the challenge and be our consumers’ enablers of change,” announced Jake Lugay, PANA Director.  Lugay is Marketing Manager of San Miguel Foods, Inc.

“PANATA stands witness to how our advertising industry has continuously evolved.  It is a testament to how our industry has continued to make itself relevant, and be part of this transition from the old to the new, and be enablers of many greater, wonderful things that will create impact on the Filipino consumer, (that is) the reason of our existence.  For 2018, we envision our consumers to not just be mere takers as audiences, but also become our partners for change,” Lugay added.

At its inception, Yoly Ong, then Chief of Campaigns and Grey approached then Publicis Manila Chief Matec Villanueva, asking for creatives to work on the PANA competition.  Without any creatives on hand, and working on agency time (needed yesterday),  Villanueva herself conceived of PANAta.  “The ta stood for Truth in Advertising.  But more than that, it completed the Filipino word panata, that means oath,” shared Villanueva, gesturing with hand over heart.

Starting 2018 that oath goes deeper, and stronger, and with its most important stakeholder as top of mind.

The PANAta will have five categories that are inspired from the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

First is the Breakthrough Awards that is hinged on how we are able to pioneer innovative ideas and creative marketing concepts.

Second is the Consumer Welfare Awards that focuses on how we direct our focus on to the welfare and safety of our general consumer.

Third is the Community Mobilization Award that will be given to the campaign that echoes a brand’s message and bring together a large group towards a single interest

Fourth is the Empowerment Awards that encourages and fuels the desires of our consumers to becoming the better version of themselves.

Fifth and last category is the Advocacy Awards that will be given to the campaign that highlights a brand’s CSR initiative, inspiring communities by giving back and helping them in any possible way.

And PANA’s hand is still over the heart.  As Lugay adds, “Because the more heart we put in to our work in marketing and advertising, the more love and support we will get from our consumer.  We become winners in this industry because we understand our consumers.  We listen to them.  We respond to them.  They motivate us to create great campaigns that tug at the heart and arouse the senses.

The categories are planned and researched in such a way that we are able to express our message to our consumers in ways that reflect the good in our brands and equate it to the good we can inspire in people.”

See, with careful steering, the seas can be calm, and sailing smooth.


Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive treats are up for grabs for employees of PANA-member companies! To claim  the rewards, simply present your PANA certificate, SM digital voucher, and company ID. For full details, visit: https://pana.com.ph/pana-rewards-1/. And don't forget to download the SM...