
April 27, 2020

WFA advocates for a consistent approach to enforcement and cookie guidance

The EU has invited stakeholders to provide comment on the implementation of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will feed into its GDPR Review report (expected for June). WFA has prepared a draft submission to the consultation, which outlines some of the key concerns that have been raised by members. In particular, WFA:

  • Calls for a consistent approach to GDPR enforcement across different national data protection authorities (DPAs) in order to avoid fragmentation, especially relating to guidance on cookies and consent;
  • Advocates for DPA guidance and enforcement to ensure flexibility to enable processing of data for analytical purposes, including measurement or advertising effectiveness and to prevent criminals and other bad actors from profiting from digital advertising;
  • Welcomes further clarity and guidance on issues related to children’s data, including definitions and parental consent


Global DEI Census 2023

Global DEI Census 2023

💪Starting next week, you can help reshape the #marketing and #advertising industry for good: Wednesday March 15 we launch the Global DEI Census 2023, a 15-minute anonymous questionnaire through which we look at the state of #diversity, #equity and #inclusion in the...