
May 5, 2020

The impact of Covid 19 is not limited to health risks. We are finding out now that it is more about world reorientation, recalibration and re-acculturation. We are relearning the way we do things. Social processes like the way we eat, work, shop, exercise, manage our health, socialize, and spend our free time will be totally altered.
Introducing the Low Touch Economy! It refers to an economy that promotes reduced close-contact interaction in view of social distancing, tighter travel & hygiene restrictions. In this PANA online session, we learn to look beyond the evolving environment. We will be shown examples of expected shifts in consumer behavior, and opportunities on how to pivot our businesses. We will also be enlightened on how different Industries are impacted and what opportunities await with this global phenomenon.

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Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive treats are up for grabs for employees of PANA-member companies! To claim  the rewards, simply present your PANA certificate, SM digital voucher, and company ID. For full details, visit: https://pana.com.ph/pana-rewards-1/. And don't forget to download the SM...