
January 26, 2021

A country’s economic conditions are influenced by numerous macroeconomic and microeconomic factors, including monetary and fiscal policy, the state of the global economy, unemployment levels, productivity, exchange rates, inflation and many others. While bulk of the attention is in the metro, it would be interesting to find out what’s happening in the other parts of the country. How’s the pandemic affecting the provincial economy and how are they coping up.

Inviting everyone to attend our very first virtual GMM for 2021.  “Understanding Economic Facts for Brand Growth Prospects in 2021” We have invited 3 distinguished speakers/panelists to join us in this very insightful discussion to be moderated by PANA Auditor, Ken Lerona.

Just go to PANA FB page https://www.facebook.com/PANAbrandbuilders few minutes before 12noon on Thursday, January 28 and be with us in this interesting conversation.


Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive treats are up for grabs for employees of PANA-member companies! To claim  the rewards, simply present your PANA certificate, SM digital voucher, and company ID. For full details, visit: https://pana.com.ph/pana-rewards-1/. And don't forget to download the SM...