
March 20, 2020






PANA’s mission to promote effective, truthful and responsible marketing communications remains most relevant at these uncertain times of Covid-19 outbreak. Responsible brand builders that we are, let us steer our businesses and our dear consumers towards truthful information for calm and educated decisions.

We, your PANA Board Directors and PANA Foundation Trustees, with the support of our Secretariat, remain fully committed to serve the industry needs with your cooperation. Your organization respects the guidelines set out by our government on community quarantine, social distancing and work from home (WFH).

Firstly, due to adjustments to the work-from-home format, several challenges and concerns may arise or have arisen that affect our members. Please reach out to the PANA Secretariat when you have concerns such as but not limited to the following:

  • ASC operations, especially on online applications, screening and hearing of cases;
  • Matters needing clarification from government agencies relevant to our work which you feel the PANA board can help you with;
  • Matters concerning our industry partners such as processing of payments to media entities, production and other service suppliers (Note: MSAP and PANA are jointly requesting media networks to provide a grace period during this critical period).

Secondly, PANA and PANA Foundation will pro-actively use technology to continue providing value to members through our programs and educational initiatives. We started this with our February GMM and will continue it for March. Please ensure you have registered for the following:

  • March 19 online learning session titled Marketing During Corona Virus in collaboration with Mansmith and Fielder, Inc.
  • March 26 GMM : Facts that you need to know about Corona Virus and How it is Affecting the Global and Local Economy and Businesses

We will also be adding new online learning sessions.

Meanwhile, contingency plans and adjustments von dates are being put in place to address the Brand Academy, PANAta Awards,   Brand Master Session  ,  PANAnaw Brand Communications Student’s Competition, and PANAF Youth Congress. These will be shared with the membership as soon as indications of normalcy are established. We shall bear in mind the government’s guidelines on safety and health and shall be in close consultation with key stakeholders.

As always we count on your unwavering support.

As the nation struggles and comes to grips with this pandemic, we laud our member—companies who are doing their share to support our front liners and those who continue to work in various services for the rest of the country. Let us also remember to help those who are most affected by the quarantine – daily wage earners, small negosyos, the families of the frontliners, and the marginalized sector. They will need basic necessities such as food, water and medicines.

Should your company decide to share critical supplies in kind or in cash, please course these through legitimate organizations and individuals or directly to hospitals, health centers and the like. We call on our members to be united and selfless at this time, to help our country and our people in whatever positive way they can, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Please do share your story so that others may be inspired to do the same through #brandthatbuildthenation.

Let’s continue to pray that this crisis will be over soon. We pray for the safety of all in the coming days.

Together, we believe that the unique “bayanihan” spirit of the Filipino will make us rise and overcome!



Unveiling the Future: NDAA Launch at SMX Convention Center

Unveiling the Future: NDAA Launch at SMX Convention Center

  Unveiling the Future: NDAA Digital Launch at SMX Convention Center On August 7, the vibrant atmosphere of the SMX Convention Center buzzed with excitement and inspiration as the National Digital Arts Awards (NDAA) Digital Launch took place during this year’s...