
October 1, 2024

In photo after receiving the award is InLife Vice Chairman of the Board Luis C. la Ò (4th from left.) He is joined by (from left) Corporate Secretary and Chief Legal and Governance Officer Atty. Renato S. de Jesus, Chief Marketing Officer Gae L. Martinez, President and CEO Raoul Antonio E. Littaua, InLife Trustee Marietta C. Gorrez, Chief Compliance Officer Analyn S. Benito, Chief Transformation Officer Efren C. Caringal, Jr., and Insular Foundation Executive Director Ana Maria R. Soriano.

Insular Life (InLife) received back-to-back wins for its good corporate governance and employee wellness program from the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) Golden Arrow Awards and the 2024 ESG Business Awards.

InLife was awarded the Four Golden Arrow Award during the ACGS Golden Arrow Awards ceremony held at the Manila Marriott Hotel. This is the seventh consecutive year that the Awards organizers, the Institute of Corporate Directors, has recognized InLife for its good corporate governance. The award, the highest among Philippine-based insurance companies, is based on the 2023 corporate governance assessment results. This means InLife excelled in all ACGS categories: Rights of members, Equitable treatment of members, Role of stakeholders, Disclosure and transparency, and Responsibilities of the Board.

In his acceptance message during the awards ceremony, InLife Vice Chairman of the Board Luis C. la Ò thanked the award organizers for the recognition, and shared how the award reflects InLife’s commitment to good governance. “It’s our commitment to transparency, accountability, and fairness. This commitment shaped our reputation and strengthened our relationships with shareholders. Since 2018, ICD’s consistent recognition has bolstered our standing as a trusted institution.”

Meanwhile, InLife also received two awards in the recently held ESGBusiness Awards 2024 in Singapore.

Source : https://philstarlife.com/news-and-views/441106-inlife-scores-wins-acgs-golden-arrow-awards-esgbusiness-awards?fbclid=IwY2xjawFnOOdleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHRgJxn8QLWQrNJDBnYZ1PyQqKICD436gizz_PhA-Mp_ShHCuymy7Ud0ZWw_aem_vT8trSjS4gAsZRro4ObqwA