
August 20, 2015

poster-8-19-lowresThe quest to understand today’s youth has formed for them the image of a tech savvy, adaptable generation that fearlessly exploits modern media to voice out opinions, beliefs and ideals. One of the truest observations, from Havas Media Ortega’s dialogue with millennials, is that young people today portray different versions of themselves depending on the medium they are using.

On November 27, 2015, the 6th  PANAF IMC Youth Congress will explore the “Wholistic Me” with industry professionals in a three-part reflection of young life beginning with the self, followed by self-assessment, and finally, the social self.

“Wholistic” refers to the consideration of the mind, body and spirit within the whole person. A young person may present a hundred different versions of the self, but what matters is the foundation upon which the whole self, expressed in different versions, is built.

Speakers will share personal experiences and lessons learned from youth. They will talk about what it means to be young in this day and age. More importantly, they will raise hard questions about what young people make of their youth, for the world is at their fingertips – how will they rule when the time comes?

The first part will look at developing the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual self to form a harmonious whole. The second part, self-assessment, will discuss relationship building. The third, self-to-others or social self, will talk about inter-personal communication, the community and leadership in influencing positive change.

It’s time to unplug, even just for a day, at the 6th  PANAF IMC Youth Congress and focus on just one person – the whole, true self.

The PANAF IMC Youth Congress is an educational event endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education. Visit pana.com.ph and panaf.com.ph for updates.


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