
August 13, 2013

byob-2Digital is undoubtedly the buzzword of the past fifteen years, at least.  Digital natives, those born in the age of digital, are multiplying and maturing.  There is an increase in crossover users from older generations.  Telcos provide reliable access to digital technology.  And, there is an abundance of affordable digital devices.  From mobile to internet, from gadgets to media, digital technology is what fuels much of daily life.

However, for majority of brand owners and marketing communicators, the digital arena is still virgin territory, leaving digital media largely untapped.  As consumers are turning to digital technology for information, entertainment and leisure, and ‘socializing’, understanding, indeed, mastering, new media is a must for marketing practitioners.

BYOB, that’s “Bring Your Own Brand” – A Digital Marketing Strategy Planning, Creation and Consultation Workshop is a crucial first step to maximizing your brand’s digital presence.  Created by the Certified Digital Marketer Program (CDM) in partnership with the Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA), BYOB is an essential training ground on digital brand presence.  Check out BYOB on March 21, from 9am to 6pm at AIM ACCEED, and go to www.imadigitalmarketer.com/PANA for more details.

“We want to go beyond your typical Digital Marketing events or workshops. Participants should be able to bring their own marketing briefs/brands to our workshop and sit down with a Digital Marketing expert, to be able to apply what they learn in the talks during our workshop,” says Hans Roxas Chua, Co- Director, Certified Digital Marketer Program

Each participant will be able to discuss with the experts, as they craft the digital profile of their target audiences, determine their digital marketing mix, content marketing plan, social media community engagement strategies, analytics and more.

“Participants should have actionable digital marketing plans at the end of this session. This is how we want to accelerate learning and growth in this industry, as the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association’s (IMMAP) theme for this year is ‘Accelerating Growth’,” adds Roxas-Chua.

Consider BYOB as workshop and boot camp: Labor-intensive, hands-on and with immediate feedback from Subject Matter Experts, all leading digital practitioners.  As the country’s oldest association of advertisers, brand marketers and marketing communicators, PANA members have the most prominent and promising practitioners in the country, making it the best partner for BYOB.

­­­­­All marketers are excited on using digital media in our IMC programs. Of course, it is the way of the future. However, many of us also have some hesitation on the who, how, why’s . The BYOB program is one excellent way of starting out right in the use of this powerful format. It’s the opportunity to learn, exchange ideas and provide more confidence to our marketing teams,” says Blen Fernando, PANA President.

BYOB is on March 21, 9am to 6pm at AIM ACCEED.  For more information, visit: www.imadigitalmarketer.com/PANA Or contact us via: 927-0096, 0928-5065382, registration@imadigitalmarketer.com


Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive perks await all employees of PANA-member companies!

Exclusive treats are up for grabs for employees of PANA-member companies! To claim  the rewards, simply present your PANA certificate, SM digital voucher, and company ID. For full details, visit: https://pana.com.ph/pana-rewards-1/. And don't forget to download the SM...